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Python logo netifaces  0.10.9

One-liner (summary)

Portable network interface information.


netifaces 0.10.8

Linux/macOS Build Status (Linux/Mac)
Windows Build Status (Windows)

1. What is this?

It's been annoying me for some time that there's no easy way to get the address(es) of the machine's network interfaces from Python. There is a good reason for this difficulty, which is that it is virtually impossible to do so in a portable manner. However, it seems to me that there should be a package you can easy_install that will take care of working out the details of doing so on the machine you're using, then you can get on with writing Python code without concerning yourself with the nitty gritty of system-dependent low-level networking APIs.

This package attempts to solve that problem.

2. How do I use it?

First you need to install it, which you can do by typing:

tar xvzf netifaces-0.10.8.tar.gz
cd netifaces-0.10.8
python install

Note that you will need the relevant developer tools for your platform, as netifaces is written in C and installing this way will compile the extension.

Once that's done, you'll need to start Python and do something like the following:

>>> import netifaces

Then if you enter

>>> netifaces.interfaces()
['lo0', 'gif0', 'stf0', 'en0', 'en1', 'fw0']

you'll see the list of interface identifiers for your machine.

You can ask for the addresses of a particular interface by doing

>>> netifaces.ifaddresses('lo0')
{18: [{'addr': ''}], 2: [{'peer': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}], 30: [{'peer': '::1', 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff', 'addr': '::1'}, {'peer': '', 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::', 'addr': 'fe80::1%lo0'}]}

Hmmmm. That result looks a bit cryptic; let's break it apart and explain what each piece means. It returned a dictionary, so let's look there first:

{ 18: [...], 2: [...], 30: [...] }

Each of the numbers refers to a particular address family. In this case, we have three address families listed; on my system, 18 is AF_LINK (which means the link layer interface, e.g. Ethernet), 2 is AF_INET (normal Internet addresses), and 30 is AF_INET6 (IPv6).

But wait! Don't use these numbers in your code. The numeric values here are system dependent; fortunately, I thought of that when writing netifaces, so the module declares a range of values that you might need. e.g.

>>> netifaces.AF_LINK

Again, on your system, the number may be different.

So, what we've established is that the dictionary that's returned has one entry for each address family for which this interface has an address. Let's take a look at the AF_INET addresses now:

>>> addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses('lo0')
>>> addrs[netifaces.AF_INET]
[{'peer': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}]

You might be wondering why this value is a list. The reason is that it's possible for an interface to have more than one address, even within the same family. I'll say that again: you can have more than one address of the same type associated with each interface.

Asking for "the" address of a particular interface doesn't make sense.

Right, so, we can see that this particular interface only has one address, and, because it's a loopback interface, it's point-to-point and therefore has a peer address rather than a broadcast address.

Let's look at a more interesting interface.

>>> addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses('en0')
>>> addrs[netifaces.AF_INET]
[{'broadcast': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}, {'broadcast': '', 'addr': '


37.9 KB




bdist/wheel whl linux_x86_64 cp37 cp37m latest

Status  Completed
Checksum (MD5) ad82074928ba46ac454fc3554fec80f7
Checksum (SHA-1) b2b95ea482043083fd9d8283bf79bf62ecab9ac6
Checksum (SHA-256) bd5242e31abb7118808af3ff0106db26f571910945dd36ce1f201cbdfbc6e7b8
Checksum (SHA-512) 464f82b92180e459a4b9eaf88cb2ad0edb30e100eb43ab9202052061cc84445dbf…
GPG Signature
Storage Region  Dublin, Ireland
Type  Binary (contains binaries and binary artifacts)
Uploaded At 4 years, 10 months ago
Uploaded By quan
Slug Id netifaces-0109-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64whl
Unique Id lOnnknbnsqp0
Version (Raw) 0.10.9
Version (Parsed)
  • Major: 0
  • Minor: 10
  • Patch: 9
  • Type: SemVer (Strict)
  extended metadata
Abi cp37m
Classifiers Development Status :: 4 - Beta | Intended Audience :: Developers | License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License | Programming Language :: Python | Programming Language :: Python :: 2 | Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5 | Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6 | Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 | Topic :: System :: Networking
Homepage URL
Metadata Version 2.1
Py Filetype bdist_wheel
Py Version cp37
pkg netifaces-0.10.9-cp37-cp37m-lin… 127
37.9 KB
md5 sha1 sha256 sha512
Package Contents (netifaces-0.10.9-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl)

This package has 9 files/directories.

Security Scanning:
You can't see this because your subscription doesn't include this feature, sorry!

With Security Scanning, Cloudsmith will scan your artifacts for vulnerabilities when they're uploaded. These are then presented to you via the UI and the API, so that you can build rules into your CI/CD pipelines to decide how to handle low, medium, high and critical software vulnerabilities.

If you'd like to trial or ask about the Security Scanning feature, just ask us. We'll be happy to help!

Last scanned

3 hours ago

Scan result


Vulnerability count


Max. severity


CVE-2492-28745: library: vulnerability title

Package Name: package_name
Installed Version: 1.1.53
Fixed Version: 2.2.12


CVE-4251-31930: library: vulnerability title

Package Name: package_name
Installed Version: 1.3.93
Fixed Version: 2.9.67


CVE-3154-45716: library: vulnerability title

Package Name: package_name
Installed Version: 1.4.28
Fixed Version: 2.1.87


You can embed a badge in another website that shows this or the latest version of this package.

To embed the badge for this specific package version, use the following:

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|This version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith|
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image::;xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/?render=true[link=";xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/",title="This version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith"]
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rendered as: This version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith

To embed the badge for the latest package version, use the following:

[![Latest version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith](;xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/?render=true&show_latest=true)](;xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/)
|Latest version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith|
.. |Latest version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith| image::;xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/?render=true&show_latest=true
image::;xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/?render=true&show_latest=true[link=";xa=cp37m;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=netifaces;xv=cp37/",title="Latest version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith"]
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rendered as: Latest version of 'netifaces' @ Cloudsmith

These instructions assume you have setup the repository first (or read it).

To install/use netifaces @ version 0.10.9 ...

pip install 'netifaces==0.10.9'

You can also install the latest version of this package:

pip install --upgrade 'netifaces'

If necessary, you can specify the repository directly:

pip install \
  --index-url= \

If you've got a project requirements.txt file, you can specify this as a dependency:


In addition, you can use this repository as an extra index url. However, please read our documentation on this parameter before using it. For example in a requirements.txt file:

Warning: We highly recommend using pip (or similar) rather than installing directly.
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