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^foo to anchor to start of term
foo$ to anchor to end of term
foo*bar for fuzzy matching

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>foo for values greater than
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<foo for values less than
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 Open-Source typedb typedb (TypeDB) / public-snapshot  GitHub Project
A certifiably-awesome open-source package repository curated by TypeDB, hosted by Cloudsmith.
Note: Packages in this repository are licensed as GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (dependencies may be licensed differently).

Python logo typeql-grammar  0.0.0+445a46d18077d640b6a91…

One-liner (summary)

TypeQL Grammar for Python



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# Introducing TypeQL

TypeQL is the query language of [TypeDB]( It is based on a novel, elegant, and declarative querying paradigm described in [recent research]( TypeQL is designed to be intuitive and mirror natural language, making it straightforward to compose complex queries using high-level abstractions.

> IMPORTANT NOTE: > > TypeDB & TypeQL are in the process of being rewritten in [Rust]( There will be significant refinement to the language, and minor breaks in backwards compatibility. Learn about the changes on our [roadmap issue on GitHub]( The biggest change to TypeDB 3.0 will be our storage data structure and architecture that significantly boosts performance. We’re aiming to release 3.0 in the summer this year, along with preliminary benchmarks of TypeDB.

## A polymorphic query language

### Define types, inheritance, and interfaces

TypeQL features the type system of the [Polymorphic Entity-Relation-Attribute]( (PERA) model: entities are independent concepts, relations depend on role interfaces played by either entities or relations, and attributes are properties with a value that can interface with (namely, be owned by) entities or relations. Entities, relations, and attributes are all considered first-class citizens and can be subtyped, allowing for expressive modeling without the need for normalization or reification.

```php define

id sub attribute, value string; email sub id; path sub id; name sub id;

user sub entity,
owns email @unique, plays permission:subject, plays request:requestee;
file sub entity,
owns path, plays permission:object;
action sub entity,
owns name, plays permission:action;
permission sub relation,
relates subject, relates object, relates action, plays request:target;
request sub relation,
relates target, relates requestee;


### Write polymorphic database queries

Use subtyping to query a common supertype and automatically retrieve matching data. Variablize queries to return types, roles, and data. New types added to the schema are automatically included in the results of pre-existing queries against their supertype, so no refactoring is necessary.

``` match $user isa user,

has full-name $name, has email $email;

# This returns all users of any type

match $user isa employee,
has full-name $name, has email $email, has employee-id $id;

# This returns only users who are employees

match $user-type sub user; $user isa $user-type,

has full-name $name, has email $email;

# This returns all users and their type ```

## Building queries with ease

### Gain clarity through natural and fully declarative syntax

TypeQL's near-natural syntax and fully declarative properties make queries easily understandable, reducing the learning curve and easing maintenance. This allows you to define query patterns without considering execution strategy. TypeDB's query planner always optimizes queries, so you don't have to worry about the logical implementation.

```php match $kevin isa user, has email "";

insert $chloe isa full-time-employee,

has full-name "Chloé Dupond", has email "", has employee-id 185, has weekly-hours 35;
$hire (employee: $chloe, ceo: $kevin) isa hiring,
has date 2023-09-27;


### Develop modularly with fully composable query patterns

TypeDB's TypeQL query language uses pattern matching to find data. Patterns in TypeQL are fully composable. Every complex pattern can be broken down into a conjunction of atomic constraints, which can be concatenated in any order. Any pattern composed of valid constraints is guaranteed to be valid itself, no matter how complex.

```php match $user isa user;

match $user isa user; $user has email "";

match $user isa user; $user has email ""; (team: $team, member: $user) isa team-membership;

match $user isa user; $user has email ""; (team: $team, member: $user) isa team-membership; $team has name "Engineering"; ```

## TypeQL grammar

> Note: All TypeDB Clients, as well as TypeDB Console, accept TypeQL syntax natively. > If you are using TypeDB, you do not need additional libraries/tools to use TypeQL syntax natively. > However, if you would like to construct TypeQL queries programmatically, you can do so with "Language Libraries" listed below.

## Resources

### Developer resources

### Useful links

If you want to begin your journey with TypeDB, you can explore the following resources:

## Contributions

TypeDB and TypeQL are built using various open-source frameworks and technologies throughout its evolution. Today TypeDB and TypeQL use [Speedb](, [pest](, [SCIP](, [Bazel](, [gRPC](, [ZeroMQ](, and [Caffeine](

Thank you!

In the past, TypeDB was enabled by various open-source products and communities that we are hugely thankful to: [RocksDB](, [ANTLR](, [Apache Cassandra](, [Apache Hadoop](, [Apache Spark](, [Apache TinkerPop](, and [JanusGraph](

### Package hosting Package repository hosting is graciously provided by [Cloudsmith]( Cloudsmith is the only fully hosted, cloud-native, universal package management solution, that enables your organization to create, store and share packages in any format, to any place, with total confidence.

## Licensing

TypeQL grammar and language libraries are provided under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0), and therefore freely usable without restriction when unmodified.

The full license can be founder at: [LICENSE](




5.3 KB




sdist gz noarch

Status  Completed
Checksum (MD5) 584d0cd1ff067b192b51ba45759431de
Checksum (SHA-1) 95af12ba26bea3708f513f845cf33b6ecbd1eb46
Checksum (SHA-256) 424b05a940fd87d03015f6afb6fc2d9d0de96e1a292a60c4ccb0f8bd06bb4035
Checksum (SHA-512) 99e50272a50090ae1e1edcd002b2afaceb1f95fe71740627da37a41b18de77e789…
GPG Signature
GPG Fingerprint 43dc0336920ac3e94b31912517507562824cfdcc
Storage Region  Dublin, Ireland
Type  Source (contains source code or documentation)
Uploaded At 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Uploaded By Uploaded by vaticle-bot
Slug Id typeql-grammar-000445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220-w4rn
Unique Id dYzJzyWUdJbW
Version (Raw) 0.0.0+445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220a2bfcaa4fa272
Version (Parsed)
  • Major: 0
  • Minor: 0
  • Patch: 0
  • Type: SemVer (Strict)
  • Metadata: 445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220a2bfcaa4fa272
  extended metadata
Author TypeDB Community <>
Classifiers Environment :: Console | Intended Audience :: Developers | Intended Audience :: Science/Research | License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License | Operating System :: OS Independent | Programming Language :: Python | Programming Language :: Python :: 3 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 | Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 | Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends
Homepage URL
Keywords typeql typedb database strongly-typed
Metadata Version 2.1
Py Filetype sdist
Requires Python >0
pkg typeql-grammar-0.0.0+445a46d180… 0
5.3 KB
md5 sha1 sha256 sha512
Package Contents (typeql-grammar-0.0.0+445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220a2bfcaa4fa272.tar.gz)

This package has 13 files/directories.

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To install/use typeql-grammar @ version 0.0.0+445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220a2bfcaa4fa272 ...

pip install 'typeql-grammar==0.0.0+445a46d18077d640b6a91d16220a2bfcaa4fa272'

You can also install the latest version of this package:

pip install --upgrade 'typeql-grammar'

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pip install \
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Warning: We highly recommend using pip (or similar) rather than installing directly.