Package Search Help

You can use boolean logic (e.g. AND/OR/NOT) for complex search queries. For more help and examples, see the search documentation.

Search by package name:
my-package (implicit)
name:my-package (explicit)

Search by package filename:
my-package.ext (implicit)
filename:my-package.ext (explicit)

Search by package tag:
latest (implicit)
tag:latest (explicit)

Search by package version:
1.0.0 (implicit)
version:1.0.0 (explicit)
prerelease:true (prereleases)
prerelease:false (no prereleases)

Search by package architecture:

Search by package distribution:

Search by package license:

Search by package format:

Search by package status:

Search by package file checksum:

Search by package security status:

Search by package vulnerabilities:

Search by # of package downloads:

Search by package type:

Search by package size (bytes):

Search by dependency name/version:

Search by uploaded date:
uploaded:>"1 day ago" 
uploaded:<"August 14, 2022 EST" 

Search by entitlement token (identifier):

Search by policy violation:

Search by repository:

Search queries for all Debian-specific (and related) package types

Search by component:

Search queries for all Maven-specific (and related) package types

Search by group ID:

Search queries for all Docker-specific (and related) package types

Search by image digest:
(full hashref only)

Search by layer digest:
(full hashref only)

Field type modifiers (depending on the type, you can influence behaviour)

For all queries, you can use:
~foo for negation

For string queries, you can use:
^foo to anchor to start of term
foo$ to anchor to end of term
foo*bar for fuzzy matching

For number/date or version queries, you can use:
>foo for values greater than
>=foo for values greater / equal
<foo for values less than
<=foo for values less / equal

Need a secure and centralised artifact repository to deliver Alpine, Cargo, CocoaPods, Composer, Conan, Conda, CRAN, Dart, Debian, Docker, Go, Helm, Hex, LuaRocks, Maven, npm, NuGet, P2, Python, RedHat, Ruby, Swift, Terraform, Vagrant, Raw & More packages?

Cloudsmith is the new standard in Package / Artifact Management and Software Distribution.

With support for all major package formats, you can trust us to manage your software supply chain.

Start My Free Trial
 Open-Source cloudsmith cloudsmith (Cloudsmith) / cli  GitHub Project
Official repository for the Cloudsmith CLI application.
These tend to be pre-releases, for stable releases download from PyPi:
Note: Packages in this repository are licensed as Apache License 2.0 (dependencies may be licensed differently).

Python logo cloudsmith-cli  1.3.0

One-liner (summary)

Cloudsmith Command-Line Interface (CLI)


# Cloudsmith Command Line Interface (CLI)

[![Latest Version @ Cloudsmith](;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true)](;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/) [![Python Versions](]( [![PyPI Version](]( [![CircleCI](]( [![Maintainability](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![Code style: black](](

The [Cloudsmith]( Command Line Interface (CLI) is a Python 3 text-based interface to the [API]( This allows users, machines and other services to access and integrate smoothly with Cloudsmith without requiring explicit plugins or tools. [Be awesome. Automate Everything](

The following asciinema video demonstrates some of the CLI commands: [![asciicast](](

We also have a [demo video on YouTube](

You can also read our [blog article]( that introduced the first version of the CLI and the Cloudsmith RESTful API.

## Changelog

Please see the [changelog]( for the list of changes by version. The current version is displayed in the PyPi badge at the top.

## Features

The CLI currently supports the following commands (and sub-commands):

  • auth: Authenticate the CLI against an organization's SAML configuration.
  • check: Check rate limits and service status.
  • copy`|`cp: Copy a package to another repository.
  • delete`|`rm: Delete a package from a repository.
  • dependencies`|`deps: List direct (non-transitive) dependencies for a package.
  • docs: Launch the help website in your browser.
  • entitlements`|`ents: Manage the entitlements for a repository. - create`|`new: Create a new entitlement in a repository. - delete`|`rm: Delete an entitlement from a repository. - list`|`ls: List entitlements for a repository. - refresh: Refresh an entitlement in a repository. - sync: Sync entitlements from another repository. - update`|`set: Update (patch) a entitlement in a repository.
  • help: Display the delightful help message and exit.
  • list`|`ls: List distros, packages, repos and entitlements. - dependencies`|`deps List direct (non-transitive) dependencies for a package. - distros: List available distributions. - entitlements`|`ents: List entitlements for a repository. - packages: List packages for a repository. (Aliases repos list) - repos: List repositories for a namespace (owner).
  • login`|`token: Retrieve your API authentication token/key via login.
  • metrics: Metrics and statistics for a repository. - tokens: Retrieve bandwidth usage for entitlement tokens. - packages: Retrieve package usage for repository.
  • move`|`mv: Move (promote) a package to another repo.
  • push`|`upload: Push (upload) a new package to a repository. - alpine: Push (upload) a new Alpine package upstream. - cargo: Push (upload) a new Cargo package upstream. - composer: Push (upload) a new Composer package upstream. - cocoapods: Push (upload) a new CocoaPods package upstream. - conan: Push (upload) a new Conan (C++) package upstream. - cran: Push (upload) a new R/CRAN package upstream. - deb: Push (upload) a new Debian package upstream. - docker: Push (upload) a new Docker image upstream. - go: Push (upload) a new Go module upstream. - helm: Push (upload) a new Helm package upstream. - luarocks: Push (upload) a new Lua module upstream. - maven: Push (upload) a new Maven package upstream. - npm: Push (upload) a new Npm package upstream. - nuget: Push (upload) a new NuGet package upstream. - python: Push (upload) a new Python package upstream. - raw: Push (upload) a new Raw package upstream. - rpm: Push (upload) a new RedHat package upstream. - ruby: Push (upload) a new Ruby package upstream. - terraform: Push (upload) a new Terraform package upstream. - vagrant: Push (upload) a new Vagrant package upstream.
  • quarantine`|`block: Manage quarantined packages in a repository. - add: Add a package to quarantine. - remove`|`rm`|`restore: Add a package to quarantine.
  • quota: Quota limits and history for a organisation. - limits: Display the Quota (bandwidth & storage usage/limits) for a specific organisation. - history: Display the Quota History (upload, download, and storage usage/limits) for a specific organisation.
  • repositories`|`repos: Manage repositories. - create`|`new: Create a new repository in a namespace. - get`|`list`|`ls: List repositories for a user, in a namespace or get details for a specific repository. - update: Update a repository in a namespace. - delete`|`rm: Delete a repository from a namespace.
  • resync: Resynchronise a package in a repository.
  • status: Get the synchronisation status for a package.
  • tags: Manage the tags for a package in a repository. - add: Add tags to a package in a repository. - clear: Clear all existing (non-immutable) tags from a package in a repository. - list`|`ls: List tags for a package in a repository. - remove`|`rm: Remove tags from a package in a repository. - replace: Replace all existing (non-immutable) tags on a package in a repository.
  • whoami: Retrieve your current authentication status.

## Installation

You can install the latest CLI application from:

The simplest way is to use pip, such as:

` pip install --upgrade cloudsmith-cli `

Or you can get the latest pre-release version from Cloudsmith:

` pip install --upgrade cloudsmith-cli --extra-index-url= `

## Configuration

There are two configuration files used by the CLI:

  • config.ini: For non-credentials configuration.
  • credentials.ini: For credentials (authentication) configuration.

By default, the CLI will look for these in the following locations:

  • The current working directory.

  • A directory called cloudsmith in the OS-defined application directory. For example: - Linux:

    • $HOME/.config/cloudsmith
    • $HOME/.cloudsmith
    • Mac OS: - $HOME/Library/Application Support/cloudsmith - $HOME/.cloudsmith
    • Windows: - C:Users<user>AppDataLocalcloudsmith (Win7+, not roaming) - C:Users<user>AppDataRoamingcloudsmith (Win7+, roaming) - C:Documents and Settings<user>Application Datacloudsmith (WinXP, not roaming) - C:Documents and Settings<user>Local SettingsApplication Datacloudsmith (WinXP, roaming) - C:Documents and Settings<user>.cloudsmith

Both configuration files use the simple INI format, such as:

` [default] api_key=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef `

Additionally, the CLI will store SSO access and refresh tokens in the system keyring using the [keyring]( library.

### Non-Credentials (config.ini)

See the [default config]( in GitHub:

You can specify the following configuration options:

  • api_host: The API host to connect to.
  • api_proxy: The API proxy to connect through.
  • api_ssl_verify: Whether or not to use SSL verification for requests.
  • api_user_agent: The user agent to use for requests.

### Credentials (credentials.ini)

See the [default config]( in GitHub:

You can specify the following configuration options:

  • api_key: The API key for authenticating with the API.

### Authenticating

You'll need to provide authentication to Cloudsmith for any CLI actions that result in accessing private data or making changes to resources (such as pushing a new package to a repository)..

#### SAML authentication

You can authenticate using your organization's SAML provider, if configured, with the cloudsmith auth command: ``` cloudsmith auth --owner example Beginning authentication for the example org ... Opening your organization's SAML IDP URL in your browser:

Starting webserver to begin authentication ...

Authentication complete ```

#### Getting Your API Key

You can retrieve your API key using the cloudsmith login command:

` cloudsmith login Login: Password: Repeat for confirmation: `

Note: Please ensure you use your email for the 'Login' prompt and not your user slug/identifier.

The resulting output looks something like:

` Retrieving API token for '' ... OK Your API token is: 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef `

Once you have your API key you can then put this into your credentials.ini, use it as an environment variable export CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY=your_key_here or pass it to the CLI using the -k your_key_here flag.

For convenience the CLI will ask you if you want to install the default configuration files, complete with your API key, if they don't already exist. Say 'y' or 'yes' to create the configuration files.

If the configuration files already exist, you'll have to manually put the API key into the configuration files, but the CLI will print out their locations.

## Uploading Packages

Although native uploads, i.e. those supported by the native ecosystem of a package format, are often preferred; it's easy to publish with the Cloudsmith CLI too!

For example, if you wanted to upload a Debian package, you can do it in one-step. Assuming you have a package filename libxml2-2.9.4-2.x86_64.deb, representing libxml 2.9.4, for the Ubuntu 16.04 distribution (which has a cloudsmith identifier of ubuntu/xenial):

` cloudsmith push deb your-account/your-repo/ubuntu/xenial libxml2-2.9.4-2.x86_64.deb `

Want to know how to do it with another packaging format? Easy, just ask for help:

` cloudsmith push rpm --help `

## Contributing

Yes! Please do contribute, this is why we love open source. Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for contribution guidelines when making code changes or raising issues for bug reports, ideas, discussions and/or questions (i.e. help required).

## License



112.2 KB




bdist/wheel whl noarch py2/py3

Status  Completed
Checksum (MD5) 2ea8a2f6f5df830ca00ad41a10324b11
Checksum (SHA-1) 4142b2cf61967db45b63336b93776a0b41854d26
Checksum (SHA-256) 0c5227b6429c047270987def93642bfa1ab2c10096679416f32b109b16ac8446
Checksum (SHA-512) 860c4cae230aaf60c2e7852833342b66b35e20b5cd0bd77ed9af4486dfd1c1ac2b…
GPG Signature
GPG Fingerprint 8e80a1fff6df43fe906d00ff0e7b9fadd43eb554
Storage Region  Dublin, Ireland
Type  Binary (contains binaries and binary artifacts)
Uploaded At 1 week, 2 days ago
Uploaded By Uploaded by CLI Publisher
Slug Id cloudsmith_cli-130-py2py3-none-anywhl-dlth
Unique Id fyeXdBgPMdJ7
Version (Raw) 1.3.0
Version (Parsed)
  • Major: 1
  • Minor: 3
  • Patch: 0
  • Type: SemVer (Strict)
  extended metadata
Author Cloudsmith Ltd <>
Classifiers Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable | Environment :: Console | Intended Audience :: Developers | Intended Audience :: System Administrators | License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License | Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux | Programming Language :: Python | Programming Language :: Python :: 3 | Topic :: Internet | Topic :: System :: Systems Administration | Topic :: Utilities
Homepage URL
Keywords cloudsmith,cli,devops
Metadata Version 2.1
Platforms any
Py Filetype bdist_wheel
Py Version py2.py3
Requires Dist click!=8.0.2,>=7.0 | click-configfile>=0.2.3 | click-didyoumean>=0.0.3 | click-spinner>=0.1.7 | cloudsmith-api<3.0,>=2.0.12 | requests-toolbelt>=0.8.0 | requests>=2.18.4 | semver>=2.7.9 | urllib3<2.0
Requires Python >=3.8.0
pkg cloudsmith_cli-1.3.0-py2.py3-no… 1
112.2 KB
md5 sha1 sha256 sha512
Package Contents (cloudsmith_cli-1.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl)

This package has 113 files/directories.

 Newer Python logo
bdist/wheel whl noarch py2/py3 latest
25 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
  Python logo
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1 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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bdist/wheel whl noarch py2/py3
104.8 KB 4 months ago
301 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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104.8 KB 4 months ago
6 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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211 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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20 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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104.8 KB 7 months ago
26 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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301 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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22 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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31 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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22 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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37 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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25 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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32 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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23 Uploaded by CLI Publisher
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23 Uploaded by CLI Publisher

Last scanned

2 days, 22 hours ago

Scan result


Vulnerability count


Max. severity


You can embed a badge in another website that shows this or the latest version of this package.

To embed the badge for this specific package version, use the following:

[![This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith](;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true)](;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/)
|This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith|
.. |This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith| image::;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true
image::;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true[link=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/",title="This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith"]
<a href=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/"><img src=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true" alt="This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith" /></a>

rendered as: This version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith

To embed the badge for the latest package version, use the following:

[![Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith](;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true&show_latest=true)](;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/)
|Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith|
.. |Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith| image::;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true&show_latest=true
image::;xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true&show_latest=true[link=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/",title="Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith"]
<a href=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/"><img src=";xf=bdist_wheel;xn=cloudsmith-cli;xv=py2.py3/?render=true&show_latest=true" alt="Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith" /></a>

rendered as: Latest version of 'cloudsmith-cli' @ Cloudsmith

These instructions assume you have setup the repository first (or read it).

To install/use cloudsmith-cli @ version 1.3.0 ...

pip install 'cloudsmith-cli==1.3.0'

You can also install the latest version of this package:

pip install --upgrade 'cloudsmith-cli'

If necessary, you can specify the repository directly:

pip install \
  --index-url= \

If you've got a project requirements.txt file, you can specify this as a dependency:


In addition, you can use this repository as an extra index url. However, please read our documentation on this parameter before using it. For example in a requirements.txt file:

Warning: We highly recommend using pip (or similar) rather than installing directly.