Package Search Help

You can use boolean logic (e.g. AND/OR/NOT) for complex search queries. For more help and examples, see the search documentation.

Search by package name:
my-package (implicit)
name:my-package (explicit)

Search by package filename:
my-package.ext (implicit)
filename:my-package.ext (explicit)

Search by package tag:
latest (implicit)
tag:latest (explicit)

Search by package version:
1.0.0 (implicit)
version:1.0.0 (explicit)
prerelease:true (prereleases)
prerelease:false (no prereleases)

Search by package architecture:

Search by package distribution:

Search by package license:

Search by package format:

Search by package status:

Search by package file checksum:

Search by package security status:

Search by package vulnerabilities:

Search by # of package downloads:

Search by package type:

Search by package size (bytes):

Search by dependency name/version:

Search by uploaded date:
uploaded:>"1 day ago" 
uploaded:<"August 14, 2022 EST" 

Search by entitlement token (identifier):

Search by policy violation:

Search by repository:

Search queries for all Debian-specific (and related) package types

Search by component:

Search queries for all Maven-specific (and related) package types

Search by group ID:

Search queries for all Docker-specific (and related) package types

Search by image digest:
(full hashref only)

Search by layer digest:
(full hashref only)

Field type modifiers (depending on the type, you can influence behaviour)

For all queries, you can use:
~foo for negation

For string queries, you can use:
^foo to anchor to start of term
foo$ to anchor to end of term
foo*bar for fuzzy matching

For number/date or version queries, you can use:
>foo for values greater than
>=foo for values greater / equal
<foo for values less than
<=foo for values less / equal

Need a secure and centralised artifact repository to deliver Alpine, Cargo, CocoaPods, Composer, Conan, Conda, CRAN, Dart, Debian, Docker, Go, Helm, Hex, LuaRocks, Maven, npm, NuGet, P2, Python, RedHat, Ruby, Swift, Terraform, Vagrant, Raw & More packages?

Cloudsmith is the new standard in Package / Artifact Management and Software Distribution.

With support for all major package formats, you can trust us to manage your software supply chain.

Start My Free Trial
 Public borgmatic-collective borgmatic-co… (Borgmatic Collective) / borgmatic
Borgmatic: A certifiably-awesome public package repository curated by Borgmatic Collective, hosted by Cloudsmith.

Format-Specific Setup

To find out how to get setup locally so you can easily install packages, please select one of the formats from the tabs above.

Please note that the term repository here is Cloudsmith's concept of a package or artifact collection, and should not be confused with other package format specific meanings (such as the term as it is used by Docker, to mean a tagged image).

Note: Only help for package formats that exist in this repository is shown. You can also see the help for all package formats.

Need Help?

If you couldn't find what you needed in our documentation, then you can always chat to a member of our team instead. It's our mission to be your dedicated off-site team for package management, and we mean it. Come and chat with us, anytime.

Python logo

Python Repository Setup

Pip/Pipenv/Poetry are package managers of choice for the Python ecosystem. Cloudsmith is fully compatible as a PyPi-like repository.

The following instructions are for Python or compatible packages only.

Python Setup Via Command-Line

You can install packages directly by using the --index-url or --extra-index-url Pip configuration arguments when executing a pip command.

Note: We recommend using --index-url. As per pip's documentation: Using the --extra-index-url option to search for packages that are not in this repository (such as private packages) is unsafe, per a security vulnerability called dependency confusion: an attacker can claim the package on the public repository in a way that will ensure it gets chosen over the private package. For more detail, see our expanded documentation on the usage and dangers of extra index URL.

pip install my-awesome-package==1.0.0 --index-url

Note: You'll need to replace my-awesome-package and 1.0.0 with your own awesome python packages and versions.

Python Setup Via Pip

Similar to setup via command-line, pip needs to be passed the --index-url configuration option. To do this add --index-url to the top of your requirements.txt (or similar) file.


Note: You'll need to replace my-awesome-package and 1.0.0 with your own awesome python packages and versions.

Removing Setup

If you no longer want to install packages from the repository, you can remove it with:

Remove the following line from your $HOME/.pip/pip.conf file:


Need Help?

If you couldn't find what you needed in our documentation, then you can always chat to a member of our team instead. It's our mission to be your dedicated off-site team for package management, and we mean it. Come and chat with us, anytime.

What's this page? You can always download packages from Cloudsmith manually, but native package manager setup allows you to simplify and automate downloads. A native package manager has intelligence built-in that allows it to understand concepts like metadata, versioning, duplication, convergence, etc. As such, we will always recommend that you install natively where possible. Learn more in the setup documentation.
